What are the Warning Signs of a Brain Injury?

Accidents happen, sometimes resulting in injuries that are not immediately apparent. One such injury that can be particularly tricky to detect is a brain injury. The brain is a complex organ, and any damage to it can have serious consequences. Recognizing the warning signs of a brain injury is crucial for seeking prompt medical attention and preventing further complications. In this guide, we will outline key indicators that may signal a brain injury and emphasize the importance of consulting our attorneys at Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah. 

Warning Signs to Look Out For

When a person has suffered a brain injury, there are several symptoms they will inhibit. Here are some of them;

Persistent Headaches

Frequent and persistent headaches, especially those accompanied by nausea or vomiting, can be indicative of a brain injury. It is crucial not to dismiss recurring headaches and to seek medical attention promptly.

Loss of Consciousness

Any loss of consciousness, even if brief, requires immediate medical attention. It may indicate a concussion or more severe brain injury. Individuals who have experienced a loss of consciousness should not underestimate the potential impact on their brain health.

Confusion and Disorientation

Feeling confused, disoriented, or having difficulty concentrating after an accident is a red flag. These symptoms may suggest an underlying brain injury, and it is essential to communicate them to healthcare professionals.

Memory Loss

Short-term or long-term memory loss can be a sign of a brain injury. Difficulty remembering events, names, or recent information could indicate damage to the brain and should be assessed by medical professionals.

Changes in Behavior

Significant changes in behavior, mood swings, or uncharacteristic irritability may point to a brain injury. Friends and family members should be attentive to alterations in an individual’s demeanor after an accident.

Speech and Vision Problems

Slurred speech, difficulty forming words, or sudden changes in vision, such as blurriness or double vision, can be indicative of a brain injury. These symptoms should not be ignored and require immediate medical evaluation.

Balance and Coordination Issues

Problems with balance, dizziness, or difficulty coordinating movements may indicate a brain injury. These symptoms may become apparent immediately or develop over time, underscoring the need for continuous monitoring.

Sensitivity to Light and Sound

Increased sensitivity to light or sound, also known as photophobia or phonophobia, respectively, can be symptomatic of a brain injury. Individuals experiencing these sensitivities should seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

Before we get to the warning signs of a brain injury, it is crucial to first understand what causes these injuries. Brain injuries can result from various situations, and being aware of potential risks can empower individuals to take precautionary measures. The common causes include;

  • Falls: Falls are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Whether from a height or a simple slip on a wet surface, falls can result in significant head trauma. In older adults, falls are particularly concerning, often leading to severe injuries due to reduced bone density and balance issues. Prevention strategies include installing handrails, using non-slip mats, and addressing tripping hazards to mitigate the risk of falls.
  • Car accidents: Motor vehicle accidents are a major contributor to traumatic brain injuries. The force generated during a collision can cause the brain to collide with the skull, resulting in injury. Even seemingly minor accidents can lead to concussions or more severe forms of brain trauma. Wearing seat belts, using child safety seats, and avoiding distracted driving are crucial measures to reduce the risk of brain injuries in car accidents.
  • Sports injuries: Participation in sports, while beneficial for physical health, carries the risk of head injuries. Contact sports such as football, soccer, and hockey pose a higher risk of traumatic brain injuries due to collisions and impacts. Athletes should use appropriate protective gear, and coaches should enforce safety protocols to minimize the likelihood of head injuries during sports activities.
  • Workplace accidents: Some occupations come with an elevated risk of head injuries. Construction workers, for instance, are susceptible to falls from heights or being struck by falling objects. It is crucial for employers to provide proper safety training, enforce the use of protective equipment, and implement safety measures such as guardrails and helmets to reduce the incidence of workplace-related brain injuries.

Contact Us for Legal Advice

If you or someone you know has experienced an accident leading to potential brain injury, it is imperative to consult medical professionals immediately. Our dedicated attorneys at Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah are ready to provide legal assistance for those seeking justice and compensation due to the negligence of others. Call (857)-239-8161 today to schedule your appointment.

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