Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys in Springfield, MA

Our elite Trial
Attorneys in
Springfield, Massachusetts
will go to war for you

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In Need of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Springfield?

At Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, we are proud to serve the people of Springfield, Massachusetts. We understand the needs of residents and businesses. Our attorneys are more than just legal advocates; they are your neighbors.

Besides, our Springfield team represents clients from all walks of life in this city. Our lawyers have experience in many different areas, including personal injury, workers’ compensation, and litigation.

You can count on our team’s knowledge of personal injury laws and our commitment to this community. We work tirelessly to protect the rights of the people of Springfield. Let us help you with your legal needs today.

Personal Injury Law in Springfield

What We Do in Springfield, MA

We handle a wide range of cases in Springfield, MA. Some of them include:

Car Accident

When the familiar streets of Springfield suddenly become the scene of a devastating car crash, you need a legal advocate who understands the chaos and trauma that follows. At Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our car accident attorneys have guided countless local families through the aftermath of automobile accidents.

We know how quickly lives can be upended by a negligent driver on routes like I-91, I-291, or the Mass Pike. In an instant, a distracted driver, drunk driver, or road hazard can shatter your sense of security. One minute, you are running errands on Boston Road; the next, you are being rushed to Baystate Medical Center with severe injuries.

Our car accident lawyers in Springfield have seen the consequences up close – broken bones, whiplash, concussions, and more. We understand the agonizing recovery process and how a single crash can derail your ability to work, care for loved ones, and live normally. The physical, emotional, and financial impacts are staggering.

That is why our Springfield car accident team fights tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation for accident victims. We calculate all damages, including lost income, skyrocketing medical bills, pain and suffering, and future costs like rehabilitation. Our experts investigate every detail to build an unshakable case against the at-fault party.

Whether it was a speeding trucker on the Pike or a distracted teenager on St. James Avenue, we tenaciously pursue the justice and fair recovery you deserve. Too many lives have been forever altered by preventable collisions on Springfield’s roads. Let us be the fearless advocates safeguarding your rights.

Dog Bites

While dogs are beloved companions to many in Springfield, owners must be vigilant – because those powerful jaws can also inflict catastrophic injuries when animals attack. At Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our legal team has witnessed firsthand the traumatic aftermath suffered by local victims of serious dog bites and maulings.

In neighborhoods across the Pioneer Valley, a simple day of joy walking your pup at Forest Park or playing at the Duggan Middle School fields can turn into a life-altering nightmare in an instant. All it takes is one uncontrolled, aggressive animal to change your world forever through a vicious attack.

Our attorneys in Springfield guide clients through the horrific consequences, which can include:

  • Severe lacerations requiring reconstructive surgery
  • Crushed or amputated limbs
  • Permanent facial disfigurement
  • Nerve damage and disability
  • Life-threatening infections like rabies

Dogs of any breed can cause this catastrophic harm, especially to vulnerable children. But the damages extend far beyond the initial bite wounds. Animal attacks lead to soaring medical costs, lost wages, future care expenses, excruciating pain and suffering, psychological trauma, and more.

Yet, too often, negligent owners escape full accountability. That’s why our Springfield dog bite and animal attack lawyers pursue maximum compensation for our clients’ profound losses. We document every damage, build an ironclad case, and tenaciously demand justice from those responsible.

No area is immune to these nightmarish incidents. Our legal team is well-versed in the devastation they inflict on local families. 

Slip and Fall Cases

In a busy city like Springfield, danger can lurk in the most unexpected places. It can be a wet floor in the Eastfield Mall, a poorly lit stairwell downtown, or a cracked sidewalk in Forest Park. At Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our premises slip and fall accident legal team knows all too well that a single slip and fall incident can leave residents permanently injured and facing mounting medical bills.

Every year, we see the devastating consequences for slip and fall victims across Springfield – from hip fractures and spinal cord injuries to shoulder tears and traumatic brain injuries. What began as a routine shopping trip or walk through the neighborhood shattered lives in an instant due to someone else’s negligence.

Property owners and businesses have a legal duty to keep their premises reasonably safe. But all too often, they fail to address hazards like torn carpeting, accumulated snow and ice, narrow staircases, or poor lighting. Their reckless inaction leaves innocent Springfield residents paying the price.

That’s why our skilled slip and fall attorneys thoroughly investigate every slip and fall claim. We document all evidence proving the owner’s negligence – surveillance footage, maintenance records, building code violations, and more. Our personal injury lawyers calculate the full damages you have suffered, including:

  • Rapidly escalating medical expenses
  • Lost income from missed work
  • Future costs like rehabilitation and in-home care
  • Pain, suffering, and diminished quality of life

Whether you were injured at a retail store, apartment complex, parking garage, or elsewhere, our lawyers tenaciously pursue the maximum compensation you deserve from the negligent parties. As locals, we understand how a life-altering fall can upend the financial security of Springfield families in an instant.

Do not allow someone’s negligence to jeopardize your health and financial well-being. Our passionate advocates will fight tirelessly to secure the justice and full recovery you are owed. You shouldn’t have to suffer due to a property owner’s reckless disregard for safety.

Workplace Injuries

For the hard-working men and women across Springfield’s thriving industries, the threat of an on-the-job injury is ever-present. Whether you are on the manufacturing floor, construction site, or hustling to serve customers, one mistake or unsafe condition can leave you facing a lifetime of physical and financial hardship.

At Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our workplace injury lawyers have unfortunately seen it all – the devastating impact of falls, overexertion injuries, crushing accidents, toxic exposures, and more. We have guided Springfield families through unimaginable tragedies that occurred in the blink of an eye simply due to an employer’s negligence.

Too often, hard-working locals are denied the rightful workers’ compensation benefits they desperately need after sacrificing their health for their jobs. While greedy companies try to nickel-and-dime injured employees, the medical bills mount as victims require surgery, hospitalization, physical therapy, medications, and long-term care. The costs are staggering – both monetary and physical.

Our attorneys in Springfield fight tenaciously to secure the maximum compensation workplace injury clients deserve, including:

  • Payment for all medical expenses, past and future
  • Replacement of lost wages and income
  • Money for disabilities, disfigurement, and impairment
  • Damages for pain, suffering, and reduced quality of life

Whether it was a fall at the construction site, equipment malfunction at the manufacturing plant, or overexertion injury from a lack of breaks, we vigorously investigate every claim. Our experienced attorneys in Springfield analyze safety protocols, training procedures, maintenance records, and more to build unimpeachable cases against negligent employers and third parties.

No employee should have to suffer permanent injuries and financial destitution simply for showing up to work. Let our passionate advocates be your voice and secure the justice and brighter future you have earned through hard labor.

Medical Malpractice

When you entrust your health and life to medical professionals in Springfield, you deserve to receive the highest standard of care. However, at Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our medical malpractice team has seen and worked through the heartbreaking consequences when doctors, nurses, and hospitals violate that sacred duty through negligence.

In an instant, preventable medical errors can shatter lives: 

  • A misdiagnosis allowing a condition to worsen
  • A surgical mistake leaving instruments inside a patient
  • A medication error with catastrophic effects 

We have counseled local families devastated by these senseless tragedies at a wide range of facilities in Springfield and the neighboring areas.

Our medical malpractice attorneys understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll caused by medical negligence, which can include:

  • Worsening illnesses requiring extensive treatment
  • Permanent disabilities, impairments, or disfigurement
  • Severe pain, suffering, and diminished quality of life
  • Substantial medical costs for correcting the error
  • Lost income and ability to work/earn a living

Whether it was failure to properly read test results, premature discharge, incompetent prenatal care, or a complete disregard for safety protocols, these unacceptable lapses in judgment are unacceptable. Patients put their trust and very lives in the hands of medical providers who took an oath not to harm.

That is why our Springfield malpractice lawyers thoroughly pursue maximum compensation and accountability. We conduct exhaustive investigations to gather all evidence of negligence – personnel records, treatment notes, expert witness testimony, and more. Our medical malpractice attorneys in Springfield calculate every damage you have unjustly suffered and fiercely advocate for the financial recovery you deserve.

No patient should endure preventable injuries, sicknesses, or losses due to provider incompetence. Let our passionate advocates fight for you to achieve justice and the brighter future you deserve after tragedy strikes.

Distracted Driving 

One bad decision behind the wheel can prove catastrophic on Springfield’s roads. At Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our auto accident lawyers understand the devastation caused by drivers who allow distractions to steal their attention from the road.

Whether it is glancing at a text message, fiddling with the radio, or getting lost in conversation with passengers, these split-second lapses provide no margin for error at speeds of 65+ mph. One careless choice can suddenly turn a morning commute into an unimaginable tragedy for local families.

The consequences of distracted driving are all too familiar to us:

  • Catastrophic collisions causing severe injuries or death
  • Pedestrians or cyclists struck by inattentive drivers
  • Multi-vehicle pileups snarling traffic for miles
  • Drivers overcorrecting and losing control of their vehicle
  • Side-impact and rear-end crashes at intersections

While mobile phones are a frequent culprit, distractions come in many forms that tempt even the most cautious motorists. It could be snacking, personal grooming, rubbernecking at accidents, or tending to children in the backseat. But in a split-second, drivers take their eyes off the road and their chances of causing a life-altering collision skyrocket.

Our dedicated legal team diligently investigates every distracted driving claim to establish negligence and pursue maximum compensation for victims’ losses, including medical costs, lost income, vehicle repairs, and pain and suffering. We understand how these preventable tragedies can turn victims’ lives upside down in an instant.

No text or phone call is worth the permanent injuries, trauma, and financial hardship our clients endure. From downtown Springfield to the suburbs, distracted driving threatens everyone’s safety. Let our passionate advocates fight to make negligent drivers answer for their reckless choices behind the wheel.

Wrongful Death

No amount of compensation can ever undo the anguish of losing a loved one to negligence or misconduct. But at Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our wrongful death attorneys pursue justice and accountability to help Springfield families find some closure after tragedy strikes.

Our legal team understands the emotional devastation and financial turmoil caused by wrongful deaths – whether from medical malpractice at a local hospital, a negligent driver’s recklessness, occupational hazards, or criminal acts. We thoroughly investigate every claim, gathering evidence to hold the responsible parties liable.

While money cannot replace your profound loss, a wrongful death suit can provide the resources to cover exorbitant medical bills, funeral costs, lost income, and other damages. Our passionate advocates fight to secure the maximum compensation to safeguard your family’s future during this unimaginable grief.

Our Springfield Attorneys Also Focus on the Following Cities in Massachusetts:

Your Trusted Team in Springfield, MA

When negligence turns your world upside down, trust the local legal advocates at Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah to protect your rights vigorously. Our Springfield team has deep roots in this community – we understand your challenges and will fight tirelessly to achieve the justice and compensation you deserve. Do not go through this challenging time alone. Contact us today by calling 617-222-2222 for a free consultation. We are here for you.

About us

OUR Springfield, Massachusetts attorneys

Are Prepared to Go To War For You

Frequently asked questions

Choosing a law firm to represent you and your case is one of the most important decisions you can make. We understand that your case is important to you and choosing the right firm and attorneys to represent you could make the difference for your case. Altman-Nussbaum-Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is known nationwide for providing outstanding legal advice and excellent representation. We have recovered over hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuits involving 18 wheeler trucking litigation, wrongful death litigation, commercial vehicle litigation, motorcycle litigation, catastrophic litigation, and mass torts involving medical devices and bad drug litigation. Our prowess in the legal arena comes from our combined years of trial and complex litigation experience.

We handle claims at all levels of litigation. Our areas of practice include Business Law, Employment and Labor Law, trucking accidents, and much more.

See a full list of our areas of practice here.

Yes. Each state has laws that provide time limits to formally file a lawsuit or claim. These laws, called the “statute of limitations”, will prevent an otherwise viable claim from being considered if it is not filed on time. Therefore, it is important to contact us, or any lawyer, as soon as possible after you have been harmed.

We want to ensure that our clients are well informed on their legal rights. Therefore, we offer free consultations to our clients and potential clients.

Personal injury cases are incidents in which injuries or deaths have occurred as a result of another’s carelessness, recklessness or intentional wrongdoing. The other person’s negligence may be the result of a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall or many other possible events.

The length of a case, from the initial free consultation through to the resolution of the case by settlement or jury verdict, depends on several variables, so it is not possible to say exactly how long a case may take. The duration of a case is often dictated by the individual court in which the case is filed. Some courts designate a time period for discovery of evidence by each party that may be a year or longer. Other courts have a backlog of cases and therefore, the oldest cases in a county will be considered before a more recently filed case. Though some cases do settle before going to court, a settlement would not usually occur until just before the scheduled trial.

Altman-Nussbaum-Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is known nationwide for providing outstanding legal advice and excellent representation. We have recovered over $8,000,000 million in lawsuits involving 18 wheeler trucking litigation, wrongful death litigation, commercial vehicle litigation, motorcycle litigation, catastrophic litigation, and mass torts involving medical devices and bad drug litigation. Our prowess in the legal arena comes from our combined years of trial and complex litigation experience.

We founded our practice on the belief that the 7th amendment and the civil jury system is the best means to provide compensation to injured parties and deter wrongdoers from injuring others in the future.

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