A truck accident lawyer can be an invaluable asset if you find yourself on the wrong end of a collision. When there is an accident involving a commercial size truck, having a lawyer can help you get the truck accident settlement you deserve.

When there’s a truck involved, the matter becomes quite sensitive and some of the issues involved make for a complex proceeding. Thankfully, the highly-qualified personal injury legal team at Altman-Nussbaum-Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is highly experienced in this area.

What To Look For In A Lawyer

You likely don’t know much about legal proceedings, unless you have a background in the area. So, how are you expected to know what you are looking for in a qualified truck accident lawyer?

We have compiled some attributes you should look for when choosing an attorney. An experienced truck accident attorney with a relevant skillset can help you get maximum compensation.

Compensation Factors In Truck Accident Cases

Truck accidents may be unique, but victims are going to deserve compensation just the same. Of course, the specifics surrounding your accident make all the difference where a settlement is concerned. Let’s look into common types of compensation after a trucking accident.

Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Accident Cases

Truck accident victims tend to ask a spread of questions that they want clarification on. The best bet is to speak to a personal injury attorney but here are a couple of truck accident questions that are common enough and easy enough to answer for you.

If the trucking firm or its insurance representative calls you after the accident, indicate that you are not willing to speak without your attorney present, even if you are yet to hire a lawyer.

Trucking companies have their own agenda after a truck accident, and it’s not to protect you. Anything you do or say could be negatively used against you. It is always suggested to speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer first.

Trucking Companies and their insurance companies will try to get you to settle quickly and for the least amount of financial compensation possible. This is why truck accident lawyers are so important. Having an attorney on your side means the insurance company can’t dismiss your truck accident claim.

Your lawyer’s goal is to win your case and make the legal process as easy as possible for you and your family. Future medical expenses for children suffering from a birth injury can be costly, you may need to continually pay these for months, years, or even their entire lives.

Our birth injury attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure your family gets the maximum amount of compensation to alleviate any financial burden. Injuries caused by birth can lead to financial compensation for:

  • Wheelchairs and other adaptive equipment
  • Nursing care at home
  • Therapies of different types
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Lost wages if you have to quit to care for the injured child 
  • Expenses related to personal and medical care

A birth injury attorney can help you win your case if you work with one. Experienced birth injury attorneys know how to build strong claims and pursue the maximum compensation for you. A birth injury lawyer also seeks justice for those who caused your child’s preventable birth injury. With the help of your lawyer, you can ensure that those healthcare providers who committed medical negligence are held accountable.

During the course of your case, a birth injury attorney will assist you. Resolving birth injury cases vary in length of time. Depending on the case, a settlement can take a few months or several years.

In order to help their clients receive financial compensation faster than in a trial, many birth injury attorneys recommend settling out of court. In addition to adding more time to your lawsuit, the trial process may not result in compensation if the defendant wins the case.

A birth injury lawyer is a subset of a personal injury attorney who helps newborns who have preventable injuries have injured obtain justice. Many birth injuries can be severe and leave children physically or mentally disabled for the rest of their lives. Symptoms may require lifetime treatment when these injuries occur.

Medical expenses are often a source of hardship for some families. A study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital found that around 40% of families struggle to cover the costs associated with their child’s disability.

Thankfully, a birth injury lawyer can seek compensation on behalf of a family to cover the cost of lifelong treatment. 

Birth injury lawyers can:

  • Obtain evidence against the doctors and nurses who delivered the child
  • File a lawsuit with the appropriate court
  • Collect supporting evidence, including witness testimony and medical records
  • Assist families in receiving financial compensation
  • Millions of dollars have been awarded to families suffering from the effects of severe birth injuries in some cases. You may be entitled to compensation if you believe your child suffered a birth injury.

It is possible to prevent some birth injuries with proper medical care, even though each case is different. Many medical professionals have delivered babies for years – if not decades. In addition, they should be aware of the safest ways to prevent birth injuries and the dangerous conditions that lead to them.

There are times when health care professionals make easily preventable mistakes that result in birth injuries. Such mistakes may be considered medical malpractice. Birth injury lawyers can hold negligent medical professionals responsible for their actions through a lawsuit.

During childbirth, the following may be considered medical negligence:

  • Failing to monitor signs of fetal distress
  • Failure to monitor and treat maternal infections
  • Oxygen deprivation (asphyxia) or Insufficient blood flow to the brain (hypoxia) is not detected or treated.
  • Inability to perform a necessary C-section (cesarean section)
  • Forceps, vacuum extractors, and other delivery tools are improperly used
  • An excessive or unnecessary force is applied to the child’s head, neck, shoulders, or arms as they exit the birth canal

You can win compensation by proving in court that your child’s injury was caused by medical negligence with the help of your experienced birth injury lawyer.

A birth injury claim or wrongful death lawsuit falls under the definition of medical malpractice, a practice aiming to recover damages for injuries or death caused by a breach of standard medical practice. State laws regarding medical malpractice and the deadline by which parents have to file birth injury claims in the U.S. can differ.

In general, parents seeking to sue for medical malpractice must gather enough evidence to prove their claim. It is possible for your attorney to handle this responsibility as well, who can use their medical expertise and connections to develop a strong case on your behalf. A birth injury claim must include proof that:

1. A medical provider’s negligence has been demonstrated by a doctor, nurse, or other members of the delivery team involved in the infant’s care during the pregnancy, labor, or delivery process.

2. This instance(s) of medical negligence resulted in birth injuries or wrongful death.

Talking to a birth injury attorney is the best way to learn more about your state’s birth-related medical malpractice laws and the processes involved in filing a claim. To help individuals determine their legal options, we provide a free consultation to discuss the details of their case.

To prove that your child was injured during birth, you need to get a medical professional to complete a birth injury evaluation. This evaluation will help you and your doctor understand the true extent of your child’s injuries and what needs to be done next.

The average birth injury settlement is $1.5 million. There are many factors that can affect the amount of a settlement, such as the severity of the injury and how much money is available for compensation.

Truck Accident Lawyers Ready To Fight For You

Being injured in a truck accident is no joke, and you should never have to feel lost after being a victim. The complexity and process associated with being properly compensated present a slippery slope to navigate.

Luckily, you don’t have to navigate the path to make a truck accident injury claim alone. You can focus on your injuries while our truck accident lawyers pursue compensation for your injuries.

Reach out to the personal injury law firm of Altman-Nussbaum-Shunnarah Trial Attorneys to schedule a free consultation. Get a free case evaluation from an expert truck accident lawyer without any worry about commitment and learn where to start to make a trucking accident claim.