We’re Here For You No Matter Where You Are

Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah Trial Attorneys handle cases nation wide and have referring lawyers in all 50 states.



600 Peachtree St, Suite 3710
Atlanta, GA 30308
Ph. (404) 800-6666


2900 1st Avenue South
Birmingham, Alabama 35233
Ph. (800) 229-7989


50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1400
Buffalo, New York 14202
Ph. (800) 229-7989
*Call ahead for an appointment.


1604 Reggie White Blvd. suite 104
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Ph. (800) 229-7989
*Call ahead for an appointment.


1920 McKinney Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75201
Ph. (800) 229-7989

Dedicated Personal Injury Attorney in Athens, Georgia

325 E. Washington Street
Athens, Georgia 30601

Dedicated Personal Injury Attorneys in Brockton, Massachusetts

425 Pleasant Street, Suite B-03,
Brockton MA 02301

Dedicated Personal Injury Attorneys in Chelsea, Massachusetts

70 Everett Avenue, Suite 512,
Chelsea MA 02150

Dedicated Personal Injury Attorneys in Fall River, MA


304 North Church St
Greenville, South Carolina 29601
Ph. (800) 229-7989


204 Courthouse Rd, Suite A
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
Ph. (228) 222-4878


1 Riverway
Houston, Texas 77056
Ph. (800) 229-7989

Little Rock

116 Ottenheimer Place, Suite 4
Little Rock, AR 72201
Ph. (800) 229-7989



200 South Executive Drive, Brookfield Square Dr, Suite 101, Office 2059 Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005 Ph. (800) 229-7989 *Call ahead for an appointment.



204 Conti Street, Suites 1C & 1E
Mobile, Alabama 36602
Ph. (251) 438-7400


504 South Perry Street
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
Ph. (334) 954-4442


2550 Meridian Blvd
Franklin, Tennessee 37067
Ph. (615) 933-8888

New Hampshire

New Orleans

3540 S. I-10 Service Rd W
Metairie, Louisiana 70001
Ph. (800) 229-7989

New York


25 E Wright St
Pensacola, Florida 32501
Ph. (850) 542-8000

Professional Personal Injury Attorneys in Bedford, Massachusetts

15 Constitution Dr 1st Floor
Bedford, New Hampshire 03110
Ph. (800) 229-7989
*Call ahead for an appointment.

Professional Personal Injury Attorneys in Boston, Massachusetts

44 School Street, 6th Fl.
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
Ph. (800) 229-7989

Professional Personal Injury Attorneys in Huntsville, Alabama

221 Longwood Dr SW
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
Ph. (256) 533-1300

Professional Personal Injury Attorneys in Lowell, MA

Professional Personal Injury Attorneys in Panama City, Florida

19211 Panama City Beach Pkwy
Panama City, Florida 32413
Ph. (800) 229-7989

Skilled Memphis Personal Injury Lawyer

6000 Poplar Ave
Memphis, Tennessee 38119
Ph. (901) 979-1111

Skilled Personal Injury Attorney in Andover, MA

5A Lowell Street,
Andover MA 01845

Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys in Cambridge, Massachusetts

675 Massachusetts Avenue,
Cambridge MA 02139

Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys in Prattville, Alabama

711 McQueen Smith Road South
Prattville, Alabama 36066
Ph. (334) 954-4442

Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys in Springfield, MA

Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys in Worcester, MA

Trusted Personal Injury Attorneys in Lawrence, MA

Trusted Personal Injury Attorneys in Needham, Massachusetts

250 First Avenue, Suite 205,
Needham MA 02494

Trusted Personal Injury Attorneys in New Bedford, MA

Trusted Personal Injury Attorneys in Tallahassee, Florida

1017 Thomasville Rd, Suite C
Tallahassee, Florida 32501
Ph. (850) 542-8000


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